Complex: Honorary Degree

Here is a recent project I did with Complex Online Mag for an article they wrote that looks 10 years back at Kanye West's career since his 'College Dropout' album release. The images were created for an animated digital cover. I love technology for this type of stuff! Here is the raw animation by Robert Hribernick. Big thanks to Art Director Brent Rollins! Also I have attached all the sketches worked on including the ones that didn't make the cut. Enjoy!

The Process...

Complex Mag Portfolio Review

Complex Mag recently asked me to participate in their online Portfolio Review series.  Here is a link to how that went including brief thoughts I have behind some of my works. Click here to read more:

Words by Complex: "Samuel Rodriguez's paintings capture the multifaceted identities of his subjects. Instead of portraying an ideal whole, he fractures his compositions to suggest that we are made up of more than just a single belief, history, or culture. Rodriguez touches on themes of race and ethnicity, stressing that in our diversity...Read full article here >>

Artist Sam Rodriguez