Sam Rodriguez Studio

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Doña MayFair

'Doña MayFair' - New Mural in collaboration with School of Arts & Culture in East San Jose. It will be exhibited alongside their series of events called 'MayFeria', scheduled throughout this year and 2017.

For more info visit Thanks to Demone Carter for inviting me to do this project!

I was really excited and proud to participate in this project as East San Jose, is where my family is rooted. The focus on this mural was the Mayfair neighborhood where the inspiring leader Cesar Chavez once lived. This area was known as 'Sal Si Puede' (leave if you can), a twist on the United Farm Workers campaign slogan 'Si Se Puede' (Yes You Can). Though rich in culture, it's residents, mostly Mexican and other Latino groups, have historically experienced income, and justice inequality along with negative press. Today, it is good to see positive movement blooming throughout the area, as many grassroots efforts are being made to push East San Jose more toward a 'Si Se Puede' environment.